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[UXL]⋙ Read Free The Kiss Thief edition by LJ Shen Contemporary Romance eBooks

The Kiss Thief edition by LJ Shen Contemporary Romance eBooks

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The Kiss Thief edition by LJ Shen Contemporary Romance eBooks

"It will be a terrible inconvenience..." "...To love the wife you took in vengeance."

This book was incredible. A heart-wrenching, slow burning, delicious read that left me feeling like I'd just gone through the wringer by the end. Francesca Rossi, is one of my favorite characters I've ever read in a book. She is resilient and brave with a do no harm (despite all the harm that has been done to her), but take no s*** attitude and it shines throughout the entire book. Wolfe is hot and sexy and dangerous but for me, Francesca/Nem/Frankie/Goddess, stole the freaking show. I loved her so much, my heart ached when she was in pain and smiled when she was happy. Halfway through the book, I realized I didn't care about anything but her HEA. Of course, as we proceeded I saw who I wanted her to end up with, but I've never rooted for a character as hard as I rooted for her.

So often we see women in these books become victims of circumstance, and it would have been easy for her to give up and to lose the fight she had coursing through her veins. There were times, I as the reader, thought "oh my God, I would have given up." But she fought, she persevered and she demanded the love and respect she knew she deserved even though she felt that her heart was broken and her spirit was crushed. Seeing the happily ever after unfold was everything.

Wolfe Keaton, a wolf in wolf's clothing tbh. Watching his transformation from this hardened, at times cruel man (but mostly in response to a tragic heartbreak early on) to someone softer, humbled and "willing to kneel" for the one person who was worth his pride, was beautiful and moving and made my heart squeeze in my chest. Watching them blossom into this beautiful couple was what phenomenal love stories are made of.

LJ Shen rocked this book and I hope this won't be the last arranged marriage tale we see from her!

Read The Kiss Thief  edition by LJ Shen Contemporary Romance eBooks

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The Kiss Thief edition by LJ Shen Contemporary Romance eBooks Reviews

“Falling in love was so tragic. No wonder it made people so sad”

A standing ovation for ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS THAT I'VE EVER READ, and L.J Shen's best story to date. It left me with the worst book hangover of the year! ITS INTRICATE PLOT IS A NEW BRAND OF PERFECTION SO MIND-BLOWING THAT IT WILL LEAVE YOU BREATHLESS.

Have you ever felt that words are not enough to describe what you feel? that's me now after reading this story, I'm an emotional mess and nervous wreck. The Kiss Thief, * sigh *, is EPIC BEYOND WORDS. Oh God, I loved every second when I read it. It's so different from everything I've read before, but so completely addictive. The first words had me hooked on the story and turning the pages as if my life depended on it. I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN!!!!

The plot and the characters consumed me, obsessed me, hypnotized me, with an emotional and harrowing romance bordering the dark and raw, full of love, banter, hatred, passion, opulence, power, anguish, that kept me on the edge of the seat, heart racing and a swarm of butterflies inside me stomach.

Get ready for the most ruthless alpha male ever, more than Troy and Vicious together. Wolfe Keaton is despicable, cruel, he has no mercy for anyone, he also is sooooo sexy, he melted my panties, gave me goosebumps and made me blush several times. But nevertheless, he captured my heart. He loves so hard, the sweet way he protects and cares for the heroine, wow, I'm dying of love for him, he's my new obsession. MY TOP BOOK BOYFRIEND EVER!!!

Francesca is a sweet, beautiful, brave and strong girl who melted my heart, her way of talking to the plants made me laugh out loud, she also faces situations with courage. She is everything I look for in a heroine. I LOVE HER!!

The explosive attraction and passion between the characters is unparalleled, and the slow burn, let me tell you, it reaches stratospheric levels, it could burn a whole room. I cannot get enough of them, I still cannot get them out of my head. THEIR ROMANCE IS SOOO TEAR-JERKING, SO PASSIONATE AND EMOTIONAL, everything what I am looking for in a romance, ahhhh, I keep sighing.

WITH AN EXQUISITE AND FLAWLESS PROSE, L.J. SHEN MANAGES TO CREATE A MASTERPIECE THAT REACHES YOUR SOUL. A masterfully written story that evokes so many different feelings in the reader. Mrs. Shen continues to prove why she is the best storyteller. She has an ability to wrap you with her words and catch your heart, smash it, tear it completely and break it into pieces. My soul still does not recover from the suffering. THIS LOVE STORY IS SO EPIC, SO HEARTBREAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL THAT I NOT WANT TO LEAVE THIS WORLD OR THE CHARACTERS.

It is definitely a must read. An exquisite romance that you will not want to miss. What are you waiting for? Go read it now!
I can’t believe I’m doing this. I have never given a bad review. It’s not my style to knock someone’s baby, and after writing a story, that’s what it is to the author.
This story is dark, cruel and left me sad. At no point should rape be glorified or excused. Not. Ever. Just because she yelled at him to just do it when she HAD NO CHOICE, is not consent.
Never should you be disrespected, kidnapped, held against your will or belittled.
I do understand the story the author was trying to tell. I also know life isn’t always sunshine, unicorns and baby animals.
The story premise was interesting. It is a story which would be a hard story to tell. But broken people aren’t always cruel, mean or vindictive. One thing I was never able to figure out, was how did she even develop feelings for him when he was absolutely horrible to her in every way? When the “feelings” were developing he was not showing her anything but cruelty and disgust.
I just couldn’t get into the story. It was too dark, too disturbing and left me with an overwhelming feeling of darkness and ick. I skipped more pages than I read, just skimming most of them to see if I was missing anything important. I wasn’t. Rape. Is. Wrong. Cruelty. Is. Wrong. Broken people do stupid things granted. But not on this scale.
Women, it is never ok to be forced to submit, to sex, to another’s cruel behavior, to another’s will. Never.

But the really disturbing part is where the readers have given this a 4.8 stars out of 5. What does that tell us about our view of ourselves and the society we live in?
"It will be a terrible inconvenience..." "...To love the wife you took in vengeance."

This book was incredible. A heart-wrenching, slow burning, delicious read that left me feeling like I'd just gone through the wringer by the end. Francesca Rossi, is one of my favorite characters I've ever read in a book. She is resilient and brave with a do no harm (despite all the harm that has been done to her), but take no s*** attitude and it shines throughout the entire book. Wolfe is hot and sexy and dangerous but for me, Francesca/Nem/Frankie/Goddess, stole the freaking show. I loved her so much, my heart ached when she was in pain and smiled when she was happy. Halfway through the book, I realized I didn't care about anything but her HEA. Of course, as we proceeded I saw who I wanted her to end up with, but I've never rooted for a character as hard as I rooted for her.

So often we see women in these books become victims of circumstance, and it would have been easy for her to give up and to lose the fight she had coursing through her veins. There were times, I as the reader, thought "oh my God, I would have given up." But she fought, she persevered and she demanded the love and respect she knew she deserved even though she felt that her heart was broken and her spirit was crushed. Seeing the happily ever after unfold was everything.

Wolfe Keaton, a wolf in wolf's clothing tbh. Watching his transformation from this hardened, at times cruel man (but mostly in response to a tragic heartbreak early on) to someone softer, humbled and "willing to kneel" for the one person who was worth his pride, was beautiful and moving and made my heart squeeze in my chest. Watching them blossom into this beautiful couple was what phenomenal love stories are made of.

LJ Shen rocked this book and I hope this won't be the last arranged marriage tale we see from her!
Ebook PDF The Kiss Thief  edition by LJ Shen Contemporary Romance eBooks

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